Top 6 Reasons Why Your Home Isn't Selling
- Peter and Sharon Bare
- July 27, 2022
- 9:01 pm

It can be frustrating to have your home listed, and still find yourself unable to sell it. Statistically speaking, the first 30 days of your listing is going to be the time frame where you’ll receive the highest offers for your house. After that, it begins to drop.
Don’t panic. Oftentimes there are a few key reasons why your house isn’t bringing in as many offers as you’d like. Many sellers find themselves in a completely different position after figuring out exactly what is causing this roadblock.
So, without further adieu, let’s look at the top six reasons why your home isn’t selling.
1. The Price is Too High
The first reason is usually the most common one. Pricing a home can be a complex ordeal, especially with a fluctuating market. This is why it is essential to get a professional opinion from several licensed real estate agents.
The reason we say several, is because real estate agents want you to choose them to sell your home. By going to one, there’s a chance they could just tell you what you want to hear in order to receive the listing. If you choose two or three real estate agents, you can get an average, and make a more educated decision on the market value price of your home.
It is recommended to put the house up for what it’s worth. Sellers sometimes like to put the price higher, believing it is a safety net for when buyers ultimately low-ball the offer. This doesn’t always work. In fact, depending on the price, you might find your home in a different price bracket, ultimately alienating yourself from prospective buyers.
By being honest about the price of your home, you’re more likely to receive more offers.
2. The Condition of Your Home
Remember that you are used to your home. Buyers and sellers are looking at houses through different lenses. The seller has already developed an emotional attachment to the home, whereas the buyer is trying to picture themselves moving in.
To make it easier for the buyer to imagine themselves in your home, you need to ensure that everything is in an orderly fashion. Cleaning the floors, the walls, maintaining the yard, and any other items in the house that might be a mess, need to be straightened out.
Showing the buyers your house in its most pristine condition will give you a better chance of receiving offers.

3. If Your Home Is Unique, Use Other Means Of Communication
There are certain homes that are simply not for everyone. Whether it’s odd features or a strange location, you might be trying to sell a home that won’t appeal to the home-buying masses. If you’re in a situation like this, it might be time to switch up your marketing plan.
First, you need to think about what drew you to the house. Then you need to highlight its strange and peculiar features for a buyer who is looking for something different.
You can do this by posting your listing all over social media. If the real estate company website isn’t bringing in any offers, try using Facebook Marketplace, specialty websites, apps, and any other avenue you can use to attract the right buyer.
4. Opt In For Professional Pictures
You’re not going to get potential buyers through the front door if your listing pictures are unprofessional. Blurry pictures taken with your phone likely aren’t going to cut it. You might be in a tight spot financially, but hiring someone to take pictures of your home in its best possible light, will certainly be worth it.
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5. Make Sure Your Real Estate Agent Is Working Hard
Sometimes your real estate agent might simply post your listing on their website, and leave the rest up to the buyers. If you’re not happy with your agent, don’t be scared to move on to someone with more passion and a more aggressive marketing plan.
The onus isn’t just on you. Remember they’re going to receive a nice commission check when your home sells. So don’t be shy in making sure that they earn it.
6. Write A Love Letter To Your Home
SImply listing the facts of your home might not be enough to engage your audience. You’re attempting to sell more than simply a house, your goal is to sell a dream. Maybe it sounds corny, but it’s true.
When you’re writing the description of your home, be creative, and show through your words exactly why someone needs to move into this house.
It’s Never Too Late To Sell Your Home
It can be hard, but try not to get discouraged if your home has been listed for quite some time without any luck. Sometimes it’s a simple change to your seller’s approach, and the journey to your new home will have begun.

Looking for More Resources?
For more advanced tips, check out our last blog post on how to prepare for a home inspection.